What Is the Best Size to Upload to Instagram

Instagram is incredibly valuable for businesses and marketers, peculiarly since users are so excited to appoint with brands on-platform. More than 80% of users follow at least one brand, and more than than 120 million users as of 2017 had gotten in touch with a business concern through a CTA button on the business organisation's profile. Instagram users are regularly discovering new brands and new products on-platform, and they're making purchases, too.

If you want to see those results, of course, and so you demand to be doing everything in your ability to engage in Instagram best practices. Enough of brands are able to get the basics down: slap on a few hashtags (ideally, betwixt viii-xi), share some groovy pictures, and include some Stories into the mix. Where many start to let things slide, still, is the details. And with the devil being in the details, as they say, this tin toll you.

One of those details is their profile moving-picture show. This is 1 matter that most people don't give a lot of thought to, even though they should. In this mail nosotros're going to discuss why information technology's so of import, and we'll too look at ideal Instagram profile picture size and the best practices y'all demand to be using.

The All-time Instagram Profile Picture Size

Wondering what the platonic Instagram profile picture size is? Your Instagram profile pic will display at 110 x 110 pixels with an aspect ratio of i:one. A perfect, tiny square.

instagram profile picture size

Nevertheless, in order to maintain a high quality profile moving picture, nosotros recommend uploading at a higher resolution, ideally 1000 x 1000 pixels or above.

How to Create an Instagram Profile Pic

You lot tin can utilize Snappa's profile picture maker to do this quickly and hands, or to make a new profile motion picture for Instagram all together.

Utilise "Create Custom Graphic Size" in Snappa'due south cosmos tool, and enter in the thousand x 1000.

Input instagram graphic dimensions

Yous'll immediately see a canvas in those perfect Instagram contour film dimensions. You can upload your business concern's logo, or even create a new logo with some of our design elements we accept in our library.

Instagram profile picture canvas

Y'all can use whatever extra design elements like shapes, paradigm blur, text overlay, or effects to make the image more dynamic. Add borders, a single letter, or additional color to aid your profile motion picture stand up out.

One time you're gear up, all you have to practice is download the prototype and upload information technology to your profile picture.

What Should My Instagram Contour Moving-picture show Be?

Your Instagram profile motion-picture show should be easily recognizable even once it's a super pocket-size circle app icon on a mobile device. There are several profile motion picture ideas that yous can choose from.

In many cases, this this will exist a branded logo. If you're a business concern of only a unmarried person (think an author, freelancer, or consultant), then you can use a quality headshot of yourself.

ideal Instagram profile picture size

Ideally, your Instagram profile picture should be consistent with the profile pictures that you're using on other social media platforms. Information technology should stay the aforementioned instead of being changed regularly, so that people can easily find you and recognize you via your social media branding. It should represent who your brand is and what y'all offer.

Instagram Profile Motion-picture show All-time Practices

While you're creating your Instagram profile picture, you should proceed the following all-time practices in mind:

Does My Instagram Contour Flick Really Thing?

Your Instagram contour picture can seem so physically small, merely it does matter for several key reasons.

The first is that it can add together immense credibility to your business relationship. You desire people who see your profile picture to take no dubiousness that your concern is a legitimate performance.

Instagram profile picture size

It's also important for brand recognition. You want people to see that pic and know exactly who you lot are. You also want information technology to stand for your business well. It's kind of similar the McDonald's logo; everyone knows what it looks like. When I was younger, all information technology took was seeing that logo and I'd have the gustation of oh-and so-salty french fries in my mouth (though to be fair, that may have been whatever addictive additives they put into that stuff).

And at that place's still one concluding reason: a potent Instagram profile picture will go you more Story views, especially when your Instagram story might appear in the Discover section. If users are interested by what they see, they're more likely to watch, and if they watch, you've officially continued with new customers.


Your Instagram profile motion picture is such a small-scale thing, but it holds and so much importance. It needs to correspond your business concern well, be easily recognizable, and stand out plenty to immediately capture user attention. When I'thousand searching for a business on Instagram, I will actually look at the profile pictures equally i of the most important signals as to whether or not I've found the profile I'm looking for. If I see a low quality motion picture that's hard to brand out, I'1000 going to skip over information technology.

Recollect that you don't demand to be irresolute upwardly your Instagram profile picture regularly, and that you shouldn't. Your entire feed is full of cute, dynamic, visual content that you can upload as you see fit. When people click on your profile, they'll immediately run into that engaging feed and go whatever they're looking for at that place. You can also customize your bio to alarm customers of sales or special events, or Instagram stories and Instagram story highlights to feature any content you lot want to ensure new users see. Use additional features to offering dynamic content to your followers, and let your Instagram contour picture exist your rock.

Ready to give your Instagram profile picture a remodel? Get-go your free trial with Snappa today.


Source: https://snappa.com/blog/instagram-profile-picture-size/

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