Is It Possible to Get an Email That Doesnt Exist Anymore to Work Again?

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I accept EXACTLY the aforementioned problem... and information technology needs a solution. The electronic mail I'k talking about is for my personal entertainment and is linked to various game platforms. However, since it does not exist anymore, I can't recover information that I demand.
Help please...

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I as well have a like problem.  Exist grateful for some help.

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Hi DiabloThe Devil and FamilyRoberts,

Allow me assistance yous with accessing your accounts.

I sent both of you lot a individual bulletin to ask for the affected email address then we tin bank check the business relationship for you. Please sign-in to this website in order to see the Private Message tab where you tin provide the email business relationship and kindly reply back to this post for united states to be notified that y'all have already provided the requested information.

Give thanks you.


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I have replied to your private message. Please refer to the private message area, exist sure that you are signed in to view my message.

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How-do-you-do, can yous please include me on that private message - I am all the same having trouble admission the business relationship!!


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Hi bindi13,

I'thousand willing to help you in accessing your account. Please provide us more detailed description of your effect to have a ameliorate understanding of it. I've created a prvate bulletin area for yous where you lot can place your impacted e-mail address every bit what you lot requested.

Note: Click on You have a private reply to this bulletin link merely above your post to view the message. You need to exist signed in to the Microsoft Community forum to view the link. We need you to respond back to this post once you have provided the information in the private surface area.


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could yous help me too? I am having the same abrasive problem.

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I have the aforementioned trouble Please Assist.  I worked for a company that doesnt exist anymore and all of my Apple stuff is registered to an iClould account that uses my old company email.  I need to access my find my iphone service simply it says the account has to exist verified and to bank check my email but I tin can't!

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i am having same problem my live id is the very old and all the important data in it and now i deceit log in it says it doesnt exist why its like that i want information technology back delight

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I likewise have the same problem. It says the account does not exists?? I don't think the password reset solution would set up this. Can you lot delight help me get my email account back? I accept important documents and data in the email business relationship that I demand to get access to.

Any and all Forum Moderator, please assistance if you're able to. Thanks all and so much!

Kind Regards,


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