Gerber Soothe Vitamin D & Probiotic Drops Reviews

Gerber Soothe Formula Reviews: All-time Features & Other Things You Demand To Know

Updated on 21 December 2021 • 8 infinitesimal read


Are y'all dealing with fussy, colicky babies ? Constant burping and smaller, more frequent feeds might assistance. But switching to a sensitive formula can be a game-changer. (1)

Is Gerber Soothe Skillful For Gassy Babies?

Gerber Good Start Soothe Formula may exist a 6-in-1 solution to common feeding issues that many parents might eventually experience:

  • Colic
  • Excessive crying
  • Fussiness
  • Excessive gas
  • Balmy spit-upwards or acid reflux
  • Constipation or uncomfortable poops

Colic is defined as a infant's fussiness or excessive crying , frequently without apparent reason. It may happen regularly for three hours a day, as frequently as three days a week. (1)(ii)

Whether you're a first-fourth dimension parent or already accept older kids, information technology can be frustrating to watch your little one cry nonstop for hours, especially if you're that sure it'due south not because of wet diapers or hunger.

Because prevention is often amend than a cure, it can help to try to eliminate potential reasons for fussiness . That might exist easier than dealing with a crying baby and trying to ease their discomfort or pain.

Causes of colic tin include: (1)(2)

  • Sensitivity to sure ingredients in the formula or chest milk
  • Lactose intolerance (inability to digest a type of sugar called lactose ) (3)
  • Cow'south milk protein allergy (4)
  • Gas pains
  • Discomfort due indigestion
  • Their digestive organization isn't fully developed yet
  • Sensitive tummy
  • Overfeeding
  • Underfeeding
  • Overstimulation
  • Emotional reaction to frustration, fearfulness, or excitement
  • An early on form of childhood migraine headache (5)

Although these are the most common causes of colic , it'southward hard to say what exactly causes it.

Some studies suggest that a reduced lactose formula may help you deal with feeding sensitivity. (6) You can try these options to help ease your baby's fussiness .

Just be sure to consult with your pediatrician before changing your child'south formula or using ane as a supplement for breastfeeding .

Tin Gerber Good Kickoff Soothe Pro help your fussy or colicky baby ? Is information technology a reduced lactose formula? Tin can information technology provide your kid with complete nutritional requirements to help promote growth and development? Can it also assist ameliorate your child'southward digestive health ?

Get answers to your questions below.

Gerber Good Start SoothePro


  • 12.4 oz canister: $xviii.99
  • 19.4 oz canister: $30

Best Features & Safety

  • Gerber Practiced Start Soothe Formula may help y'all solve common feeding bug such as crying, colic , fussiness , mild spit-upward , gas, and uncomfortable poops or constipation .
  • Lactobacillus reuteri or probiotic L. reuteri , which may assist promote a healthier digestive system . These probiotic cultures are also known as "good gut bacteria." (7)
  • The brand claims that the probiotics in this formula have been clinically shown to reduce excessive crying by 50% in fussy infants.
  • This pulverization babe formula has 2'- FL HMO ( human milk oligosaccharide), a prebiotic arable in man chest milk . (8)
  • Prebiotics can help support your baby'southward digestive and immune system health. (8)
  • The combination of probiotics and prebiotics may help ease bowel movements . (vii)(viii)
  • The make too uses a proprietary alloy of Comfort Proteins or smaller, jerry-built proteins that can be easier for your child's tiny tummies to digest.
  • Information technology has a carbohydrate alloy with merely 30% lactose . The reduced lactose may assist ease fussiness and gas. (half dozen)
  • This formula as well has DHA (docosahexaenoic acrid) that tin assist support brain function and eye development . (ix)
  • It also contains ARA (arachidonic acid), an omega-half dozen fatty acrid that can promote better immune system role. (ix)
  • Nutritionists like Rebecca Fett propose choosing a formula that uses whey proteins rather than casein (some other milk protein). Whey may be easier to digest and blot by your baby's all the same-developing digestive system . (10)
  • It's a non-GMO powder infant formula . (11)
  • GMOs (genetically modified organisms) may crusade autism, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), autoimmunity, allergies, growth failure, and endocrine system disruption. (xi)
  • Information technology also has choline, a formula component, which can play an of import part in infant brain and heart development . (12)
  • It'south for babies from nativity to 12 months old.

Is Gerber Soothe Hydrolyzed?

  • It contains hydrolyzed (cleaved downwardly) whey protein concentrate from milk.

Product Recall

  • None


  • Information technology contains maltodextrin, which can crusade green stools, colic , gas, bloating, or possible abdominal injury. (xiii)
  • Using a formula with an ingredient that can crusade colic and gas may exist counterproductive to remedy the same weather condition.
  • This formula too contains soy lecithin, which may contain soy proteins that can trigger an allergic reaction in your baby. Allergy symptoms can include hives, itchy eyes, itchy or bloated lips, wheezing, and trouble breathing. (14)
  • It also contains palm oil, a common ingredient in infant formulas that can reduce calcium absorption. Reduced absorption of this important bone-building mineral can pb to lower bone density. (xv)
  • Information technology too has soy oil. Although highly processed soy oils may non appear to pose a risk to a child with soy allergies, yous might still want to avoid whatsoever ingredient derived from soy. (xiv)(xvi)
  • This formula besides has highly processed vegetable oils, which can have unhealthy trans fats. Regular or excessive intake of foods with these oils tin can lead to a higher chance of your kid developing coronary heart affliction. (17)
  • It may be prone to clumping.


  • Corn maltodextrin
  • Whey poly peptide concentrate from milk (enzymatically hydrolyzed or broken down and reduced in minerals)
  • Vegetable oils ( palm olein , soy, coconut, and high-oleic safflower or high-oleic sunflower)
  • M. alpina oil ( ARA source)
  • C. cohnii oil ( DHA source)
  • Soy lecithin
  • Lactobacillus reuteri (DSM 17938) probiotic cultures
  • Potassium citrate
  • Potassium phosphate
  • Sodium citrate
  • Magnesium chloride
  • Ferrous sulfate
  • Zinc sulfate
  • Taurine
  • Ascorbyl palmitate (vitamin C source)
  • Nucleotides

Is Gerber Soothe Soy Based?

This formula is based on dairy, non soy. But the milk proteins have been hydrolyzed or cleaved down to smaller pieces that may be easier to assimilate by sensitive tummies.

It has soy oil, highly processed oils that may not appear to pose a risk to a kid with soy allergies. Just you might nonetheless want to avoid any ingredient derived from soy. (14)(16)

Nutritional Facts

Each serving (5 fl oz ) contains:

  • Calories: 100 calories
  • Proteins: 2.two g
  • Total fats: five.1 g
  • Full carbohydrates: 11.2 g
  • Linoleic acid: 900 mg
  • Iron: i.5 mg
  • Calcium : 72 mg
  • Folic acid: xv mcg
  • Choline: 24 mg
  • Vitamin A: 300 IU
  • Vitamin D: threescore IU
  • Vitamin C: 10 mg
  • Vitamin E: ii IU
  • Vitamin One thousand: eight mcg

Gerber Soothe Formula Reviews

Positive Reviews

" Our LO was three weeks old with severe gas and fusiness. We tried other brands and she ended up with severe constipatation. Our Doctor thought maybe she had lactose intolerance and recommended expensive non lactose formula which we tried and was worse. Afterwards researching I came across the Gerber Soothe and its amazing!! Offset bottle I could tell she liked it more than. Later a few days she started having regular bowels, no spit up , and less gassiness ." – Reviewer on Gerber'southward website.

" Our 2d baby was built-in with a sensitive stomach unfortunately. We tried enfamil for sensitive tummies and similac . He was still waking up nearly every hr with gas pains . Our pediatrician recommended Gerber and he slept 3 solid hours for the first fourth dimension that night: we were beyond thrilled! 3 months later and he is well-nigh sleeping through the night. This formula seems to actually concur with his gut. " – Reviewer on Amazon .

" After trying only about every baby's formula on the market I'thou so glad I constitute Gerber Soothe. I'1000 41 years erstwhile & idea had my mind set on breastfeeding my new baby but when my milk never came in I had to opt for the formula the hospital staff gave me which really upset my baby's tummy & made her very fussy. I from the on had my husband go buy different brands to run across if she'd become meliorate with error tummy issues & crying. Afterwards 1 month a friend told me near Gerber Soothe so I had my husband go option upwards some & I have to say that by day 2 I had a happier more peaceful infant girl who also slept better. Thanks Gerber for my happy baby ! " – Reviewer on Gerber's website.

Negative Reviews

" All around awful product. Within the first 2 bottles it has made my v week sometime miserable. He spits up constantly, has horrible trapped gas, non to mention constipated. He's not even been on this formula a total 24 hours and I'g already switching him to simlac. The scope is awkwardly made. When adding to a bottle the formula goes all over the counter. " – Reviewer on Amazon .

" This is the worst formula I've ever used. Every single bottle I brand with it, the formula clumps upwards and gets stuck in the nipple. It doesn't matter what temperature of the water, how much a milk shake the bottle, or if I utilise a formula blender. It always clumps. The but reason I even use this formula is because information technology's what I get with WIC. " – Reviewer on Gerber's website.

" We had switched to the practiced start soothe pro because it was recommended. The first few weeks were fine then of a sudden it turned my sweet little boy into the virtually miserable baby I've ever seen! Information technology constipated him super bad, made his breadbasket hurt to the point he would stretch until his confront was bright red, and scream for hours. We switched to enfamil neutramagin and at present I have my sugariness piffling boy back. I'm so disappointed in this formula for making my son go though this misery ." – Reviewer on Gerber's website.

Summary & Recommendation

Gerber Good Start Soothe Formula tin provide your baby with consummate nutrition based on the FDA's minimum requirements.

But is it the right infant formula for your child? Hither are our recommendations:

Choose Gerber Good Showtime Soothe Formula if:

  • You lot prefer a non-GMO powder babe formula , and so your child may avoid the risk of endocrine system disruption, allergies, growth failure, autism, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), and autoimmunity. (11)
  • You have a fussy baby who may benefit from the reduced lactose formula. (6)
  • Your child often experiences gas, constipation , balmy spit-up , excessive crying , or colic .
  • Yous prefer a formula with probiotics and prebiotics for a healthier digestive organization . (seven)
  • You lot want a formula marketed to have probiotics that have been clinically proven to reduce excessive crying by 50%.
  • You prefer a formula with 2'- FL HMO ( man milk oligosaccharide), a prebiotic abundant in human breast milk . (8)
  • You're searching for a formulation with smaller, jerry-built proteins that tin be easier for your child's tiny tummies to digest.
  • You're looking for a powdered formula with DHA (docosahexaenoic acrid) and ARA (arachidonic acrid) fatty acids that can support brain function, heart development , and a healthier immune system. (9)
  • You lot're looking for a formula with whey protein concentrate , which can be easier to digest than the other major milk protein, casein. (10)

Don't choose Gerber Good First Soothe Formula if:

  • You're concerned about maltodextrin, a component that may crusade (or worsen) bloating, gas, colic , dark-green stools, or possible intestinal injury. (13)
  • Your child has soy allergies considering this formula contains soy lecithin and oil. (14)
  • You want to avoid a formula with palm oil because it may reduce calcium absorption and pb to a lower bone density. (15)
  • You're concerned near highly processed vegetable oils, which may put your kid at college risk of your child developing coronary eye disease. (17)
  • You lot're looking for a formula that's piece of cake to dissolve considering this 1 tin be prone to clumping.

Nonetheless, it'south of import to remember that no affair what formula yous pick for your child, their pediatrician must first approve information technology.

Information technology'south for their rubber, especially if your child has lactose sensitivity, cow's milk poly peptide allergy, or other nutrient allergies.

Comparison With Other Formulas

Gerber Good Kickoff Soothe Vs. Gerber Adept Commencement Gentle Formula

Both formulas take the post-obit features:

  • Formulated for babies from birth to 12 months quondam
  • Prebiotics and probiotics (7)(8)
  • Whey proteins (10)
  • Non-GMO formula (11)
  • DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and ( ARA ) arachidonic acid (9)
  • Choline, which can help with babe brain and eye development (12)

What is the difference between Gerber Good Start Gentle and Soothe?

Gerber Practiced Showtime SoothePro Highlights

  • Reduced lactose formula for gas, spit-up , and colic due to lactose intolerance
  • More than calcium content (72 mg), while Gentle only has 67 mg.

Gentle Formula Highlights

  • May take the gentleness of breastmilk .
  • Slightly lower cost tag ($1.5 per oz) than SoothePro ($ane.55 per oz)
  • More than carbohydrate content (eleven.half-dozen g)

Gerber Skillful Beginning Soothe Vs. Similac Sensitive


  • Both are designed for fussy babies
  • Both are formulated for babies from nativity to 12 months old
  • Both have prebiotics and whey proteins (eight)(10)
  • Both incorporate DHA (docosahexaenoic acrid) and ( ARA ) arachidonic acid (9)
  • Both have choline, which tin can help with infant encephalon and eye development (12)
  • Both also take soy oil and soy lecithin (14)(16)
  • Both may comprise questionable processed vegetable oils.

Gerber Skilful Outset SoothePro Highlights

  • Non-GMO formula (11)
  • Probiotics (7)
  • Free from added sugars and corn syrup

Similac Sensitive Highlights

  • Costs less ($26.99 per tub or $1.34 per oz) than SoothPro ($1.55 per oz)
  • Free from bogus growth hormones, which may be linked to some cancers (xviii)
  • Lutein that can promote better eyesight (xix)
  • More than fe (one.8 mg) than SoothPro (1.5 mg)
  • It has higher calcium levels (84 mcg) than SoothPro (72 mg)

Gerber Good Start Soothe Vs. Enfamil Gentlease


  • Both are designed for colicky babies
  • Both have like shooting fish in a barrel-to-assimilate proteins
  • Both accept DHA and ARA (9)

Gerber Skilful Start SoothePro Highlights

  • Not-GMO formula (eleven)
  • Probiotics and prebiotics (7)(viii)
  • Free from corn syrup

Enfamil Gentlease Highlights

  • Toll less ($28.49 per 19.9 tub or $1.43 per oz) than SoothPro ($ane.55 per oz)
  • The brand claims that this formulation is clinically proven to reduce fussiness , excessive crying , and gas in 24 hours.
  • Costs less ($26.99 per 20.1 tub or $1.34 per oz) than SoothPro ($ane.55 per oz)
  • More than iron (1.8 mg) than SoothPro (1.five mg)
  • It has higher calcium levels (82 mcg) than SoothPro (72 mg)


(1) colic /

(two) colic .html

(3) Lactose -Intolerance-in-Children.aspx


(five) colic -connexion/


(7) Probiotics -in-Baby-Formula.aspx




(eleven) https://world wide pediatrician


(xiii) baby-formula -please-avoid/

(14) https://world wide



(17) language/multimedia/multimedia_pub/multimedia_pub_fsf_85_01.html




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